Kaufman, Nichols, & Kaufman, PLLC

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205 26th St STE 34, Ogden, Utah 84401, United States
Kaufman, Nichols, & Kaufman, PLLC
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Kaufman, Nichols, & Kaufman, PLLC

205 26th St STE 34, Ogden, Utah 84401, United States


Steven M. Kaufman
Weber County


Work Experience:

Managing Partner
Kaufman Nichols & Kaufman, PLLC
1900 - Present


Gonzaga University School of Law
University of Utah

Professional Recognitions and Awards:

Utah Business Magazine’s Utah Legal Elite 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
Life Time Achievement Award – Weber County Bar Association 2007
American Biographical Institute, 2000
Notable American Men, 1st Edition
Who’s Who in American Law, 4th Edition
Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals, 1993
Who’s Who Among Rising Young Americans in American Society and Business, 1992
Oxford’s Who’s Who, 1992

Bar Admissions:

All Utah State Courts, 1977
S. Federal District Court for the District of Utah, 1977
Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals, 1980
United States Supreme Court, 1985

Additional Education:

Gonzaga University, School of Law (J.D., Cum Laude, 1977)
University of Utah (B.S. in Speech, Magna Cum Laude, 1973)
Professional Activities, Associations, and Memberships
President, Utah State Bar Association, 1996–1997
Bar Commissioner for the Second Judicial District, Utah State Bar Association, 1992–1998
Member, Second Judicial District Nominating Commission, 2009–2011
Member, Utah Judicial Council, 1998–1999
Chairman, Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee, Utah State Bar Association, 1990–1992
Chairman, Commission on Public Defenders for Weber County, 1984
President, Weber County Bar Association, 1981–1982
Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee, Utah State Bar, 1986–1992
Judge Pro Tem, Ogden Second Circuit Small Claims Court, 1981–1999
Member, Utah State Bar Association, 1977–Present
Member, Weber County Bar Association, 1977–Present
President’s Council, Gonzaga University, 1996–2001
Board of Advisors, Gonzaga University School of Law, 1985–2007
Master, Rex E. Lee Inns of Court
Phi Kappa Phi Society, 1973

County Serviced

Ogden, Weber, Utah
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